
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Jordan’s industrial production declined by about 20% after the occupation of the West Bank, but has since rebounded with an industrial production growth rate of 1.8% in 2016. Small, domestic industries on the West Bank included small-scale manufacturing, quarrying, textiles, soap, olive-wood carvings, and mother-of-pearl souvenirs (2016), while the main industrial areas are situated east of the river.

Industrialization has grown rapidly since the early 1960s, despite the problems associated with the 1967 war.

Major industries include the tourism, information technology, clothing, fertilizers, potash, phosphate mining, pharmaceuticals, petroleum refining, cement, inorganic chemicals, light manufacturing (2016). Jordan’s agriculture suffered a severe blow after the 1967 Israeli occupation of the West Bank, as this area contains almost half of the country’s agricultural land.

Before the war with Israel, the West Bank produced 25% of Jordan’s grain, 40% of the vegetables and 70% of the fruit. The percentage of the work force employed in agriculture declined from 37% in 1965, to 7% in 1987, to 4% in 2004.

Only 2.7% of Jordan’s remaining land is arable and irrigation is often a problem, as the entire area is dependent on a fluctuating rainfall.

The major grain crops are wheat and barley, but these need to be heavily supplemented by foreign imports. Some fruit crops are grown for export; these include olives, tobacco, figs almonds, grapes and apricots. The main vegetable crops are tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplant. The major livestock animals are sheep, while cattle, goats and poultry are also reared.

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