Marketing Research
Marketing Research
If you plan to do business in the gulf and Middle east for any length of time we are ready to give you the correct advice and the best consulting.
We provide your company with 19 years of experience. With us, you can learn the correct market without spending your funds in research. With us, you will find the best path to approach your target and what to avoid. In order to avoid spending your capital on research and marketing, we will show you how to complete your business and how to prepare the best agreements and contracts; we will provide you the best information for the banking system in the Middle East.
We will let you know what not to do by your developing a product before finding a market for that product; this is wasteful of your capital.
While perhaps no one in your organization has the full experience in international business and law, our team will let you know who would be your best customers and how to negotiate with them.
We offer our customers the full range of market research. We maintain contacts and dedicate ourselves to provide high quality, usable results with our research and recommendations. Our experienced staff has proven itself in all qualitative and quantitative studies by drawing on research, the collection of the data, the analysis of data, and the final recommendation report. Their depth of experience is crucial to understand and to satisfy the needs of our customers. We understand that marketing research should be thought of as the systematic process of gathering, analyzing, and presenting the information for the marketing objectives, useful to help the management in problem solving and decision-making. This result should help your management team identify, maintain and satisfy the needs and desires your customers.
Our research will not be made by mail or phone; our research will be handled by direct contact with our group of researchers in the Middle East and Gulf countries.

Business Consulting Council
The personnel of BCC have in-depth knowledge of project planning, consulting, education, business research and marketing and are able all to assess and to implement accurately the key elements necessary for the successful completion of a project. Part of BCC's basic approach to project management is the concept of working as an integrated team with the owners, where the best available resources from all the participating organizations are grouped together to form an efficient and effective team.
The BCC Consulting Department exists to provide superior performance to its clients - who are retail merchants of all sizes - in the area of Trade, Services and Education. We recognize that our profits and growth are tied to the integrity of our dealings and relationships with our clients. We are qualified to facilitate commerce and provide representation to governmental bodies for companies working or desiring to work in the Middle East or in America. Each of the...